Sunday, October 13, 2013


"I will Praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me, Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."Psalm 16: 7 -8 

Happy Fall, y'all!  Fall is such a beautiful season where God's beauty is evident in all the lovely reds, browns, and oranges displayed in all the trees.  Of course, right now we don't have all those fall colors in our part of the world, but they are coming!  You can feel it in the air as the hot summer days give way to cool breezes and a freshness that makes us reach for our sweatshirts and light jackets.  
This time of year is my favorite of all the seasons.  I love that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I can set my fall decorations around the house and keep them there for September, October, and November!
I love that I can serve dinners of chili, taco soup and add cornbread without feeling guilty.
Most of all, I like that I can bake everything pumpkin.

This week I made Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes.  I found the recipe on Pinterest, at a website called

The only two ingredients are a can of pumpkin and a Spice cake mix!

I followed the recipe (which sounded delicious) and it didn't take anytime at all.  You talk about quick!  This recipe is great if you are in a hurry and want your family to think you slaved away all day to make something you know they will like.  

You just mix the two ingredients, pour into cupcake liners and bake for 20-30 minutes.  Go to their website to check it out.

To add my own spin to the recipe, I purchased a can of Cream Cheese Frosting.  I emptied the container of frosting into a mixing bowl, and whipped it up a little more so that I could have a lot of frosting.  Mixing it up some more causes the frosting to practically double in size!

I used fall-colored cupcake liners and piped the frosting on top.  THEY WERE A HIT!  The grand kids loved them and more importantly, my husband loved them.

I definitely recommend this recipe.

By the way, I chose the verse at the beginning of the blog because it speaks to my heart, which I want to be led by.
At this point, in the history of our world, it is easy to be shaken up by the events in the news.  There is uncertainty, fear, apprehension, and uneasiness about the whole government situation.  HOWEVER, I feel that God led me to this verse so that I may know peace.  There can only be peace through Christ.  As I do what this verse instructs me, that is, to set the Lord always before me, then, I will know that He is with me (at my right hand).  If I KNOW this, then I WILL NOT BE SHAKEN.
When I hear or read something "scary" on the news, I remind myself and say, "I have set the Lord before me!  He is in control and I will focus on his strength.  I will not be shaken by this."

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