Friday, October 4, 2013


Those of you who know me well, know that I love to do crafts and that I have recently started sewing again.  I have long wanted to turn my "office" into a Sewing Room slash Craft Room slash Extra bedroom.  BUT, I didn't just want it to be any old thing and more importantly, I did not want it to be expensive.  I wanted to turn some trash items to treasure.  I stalked certain Pinterest sites and looked in other undisclosed places for furniture and accessories.  Okay, I'll tell you about those "undisclosed" places.  My sweet husband doesn't like for me to buy things at the Goodwill store and has even said to me, "Can't you just say you got those things at Macy's?"  So, you will see some items from Macy's!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you my new Craft/Sewing/Extra Bedroom

 I chose Cactus Spring for the walls.  At first my husband had serious doubts about the color.  "Green! Really?"  Yep.  I wanted green. I HAD A PLAN.  See the little white bed table?  Macy's!  Mirror?  Macy's!

 This is my sewing table.  I got that at Macy's and painted it pink.  The rolling chair was in my office, and I  followed a Pinterest tutorial to re-cover it.  Oh!  See the white shelf above the desk and the white container that holds my scissors?  Macy's!
 The little birdhouse is from my favorite Macy's store, as is the frame of my "J" picture.

 This is my little craft table.  I cheated and got that and the bed at Ikea.  But the bulletin board was a Macy's find that I painted white and covered with gift wrap paper.

So what do you think of my room make-over.  Please feel free to leave a comment!

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