Wednesday, January 9, 2013

KFC Chicken Recipe

Today I wanted to try a  new dishes that looked wonderfully appealing to me and one that I knew my hubby would like. This chicken dish is hailed to be an exact replica of the chicken you get at Kentucky Fried Chicken.  The first time I got set to try it, I didn't have the Season All spice that was listed on the ingredients, so I made something else.  This time I was prepared.  I followed the directions exactly and I am proud to report that the chicken did taste like KFC chicken.  It was easy to make and only took about 40 minutes to cook.   Pinterest Success!!
The following is the link to the recipe.  If I need to start putting the recipes on this blog, please let me know.  I am new to blogging and I am one of those elderly people who doesn't quite know how to maneuver the internet with links, URL's (whatever that is), and HTML's (again, whatever that means).
Don't laugh.  When you are my age, there will be new fangdangled things that your children will be teaching you.  By the way, I'm not even sure I can get this blog up and running so that people can read it. Lol!  I guess I'll have to ask my kids.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year!
Today I start my blog.  I am excited and thankful to my little friend for helping me set this up.  I love, love, love Pinterest and I like to try out all the different recipes AND I proud to say that I've had a lot of success.  In this blog, I hope to report out and make suggestions about the things I have tried.  We'll see how this works out!
Meanwhile, I hope that anyone who reads this will have a joyful and prosperous new year.  Make this the year that you will trust God for all your needs.